The Story So Far

I was first diagnosed with kidney disease when I was very young, and kidney disease has been my constant companion ever since. As with any long-term relationship, it’s complicated. More on that later.

In early 2023, I was asked by the Kidney Foundation of Canada to do some tv and radio spots to promote Kidney Health Month, to help raise awareness about kidney disease. As a long-time peer support volunteer with the Kidney Foundation, I was delighted: I'm always happy to share my experiences if it helps others on their kidney journeys.

Late in 2023 I learned that my current kidney transplant (the second of two in my lifetime) was beginning to fail. Not failing in a blaze of glory, but rather, as is often the case, gradually and inevitably: I'm always tired and sore, and brain fog has set in. My beautiful wife Kim offered me one of her kidneys — in other words, offered to be my living donor — and so began the latest chapter in my kidney journey. Definitely more on that later.

For 2024, I thought I would share this latest chapter as it happens, not just with my fellow persons living with kidney disease, but with anyone who might be interested.

My hope is to continuue to raise awareness, to provide some useful information about kidney health, and to let others know that they're definitely not alone on their own kidney journeys. There are no guarantees with how this year will play out, so we'll see how it goes.

If you’d like to take part in the conversation, join my Facebook group here:


Let’s Talk Arteries