Bloodwork, And More Bloodwork

This is maybe the biggest step in determining if Kim is able to give me a kidney. With bloodwork this week, three things will be tested:

Blood Type

Our blood types will be compared for compatibility. I happen to be AB+, a blood type known as the "univesal recipient", which means I can receive an organ from a person with any blood type.

HLA Typing

This test looks at certain genetic markers related to the immune system. Even if Kim and I aren't a perfect match (most transplants aren't), we may still be compatible enough.

Crossmatch Test

Here's where it gets tricky: A sample of my blood will be mixed with Kim's blood to see how they react. Because I've had two transplants already, I have a lot of antibodies in my blood, which may make a kidney from Kim incompatible. We'll know in a few weeks.

Whatever the outcome, this kidney journey will continue, so please stay tuned.


A Setback, For Now


Let’s Talk Arteries